Folders are the fastest way to build the company’s image in the eyes of the client along with the presentation of the most important elements of the offer. A wide range of papers and dimensional possibilities allow for individuality and attractiveness.
We have a variety of paper weights and the possibility of refining the print. The higher the weight, the harder the paper. 130 grams is the most popular carrier for leaflets and internal pages of brochures and catalogs. For the covers we use 200-300 basis weight, while business cards are 350gram.
Our digital printing is so-called oiled so that the printed surfaces are shiny, giving a painted effect. Dark colors that get extra depth look particularly aesthetically.
Leaflets and folders can have any dimension:
3xdl folded in Z „
3xdl folded in „C”
or any other matching your concept
Write us what you are looking for? We will certainly advise the right parameters :) Looking for cost optimization, we will advise you on the best solution in terms of finances.